Itty bitty Elanor by Nanni (

Elanor's Uncle Frodo always says that her Dad and her Mother are the ones who make things grow in this family, not him, but she knows that isn't true. He's always growing stories. She watches him.

He puts his pen to the paper and words slip out, seeds of stories that whisper and rustle and twine across the page, taking on an existence of their own. They live apart from him then, and he shapes them, taking out words or phrases, pruning them the way her father prunes the rose bushes.

Elanor tried to tell him that once, so that he could see it too, and he smiled, and hugged her, but she doesn't think he really believed her, deep inside where it counts.

But that's all right, Elanor doesn't mind. He'll believe it soon enough. She'll make him. And then his eyes won't be as clouded anymore.


Pretty Good Year