Other Pretty Good Year-related sites:

Pretty Good Year fanlisting (maintained by Dana)
Pretty Good Year livejournal community (maintained by Meli)
The Pretty Good Year Character Index (compiled by Hyel)
The Rosy Ring Store (maintained by Hyel)
Pretty Good Year colourbar (created by Dana)

Pretty Good Year music videos:

Bizarre Love Triangle - by Mary
Pretty Good Year - by Mary
Pretty Good Year - by Sloane

Semi-related websites by contributors and guest authors:

Nowhere Elaborated: Rosie Cotton - Rosie website by Mary
Ink Stigmata - website collective by Mary
Cerin Amroth - Hope's website
Absurd concept - Hyel's website
Slipstream's Notebook - Slip's website
Welcome to hobbiton - Molly's page
Meli's livejournal
Po-ta-toes - Janette's website
Akashihoshi.net - Dana's website
Singe's Bonfire - Singe's site
Cuthalions Bogen - Cuthalion's site

Other things of somewhat related interest:

The wacky adventures of Mary's Sims family.

Livejournal icons:

By Dana:

by Hope

Then things went... odd...

by Hyel:

By Mary

by Meli:

by Olwen:

Link to Pretty Good Year: