Deer Mister Frodo
Thankyu for savving the woruld. Dad tolld me all abowt it. I hop the mallon trees ther ar as prety as our one heer.
Goldilocks Gardner
(yu can cal me Goldy if yu want)
"I'm not writing one." Daisy pouted, crossing her arms firmly over her chest.
"Come on, Daise," Elanor said softly, crouching down beside her sister, tough grass, deep rooted in sand, tickling at her legs with the sea breeze.
Daisy's lips pressed together, she gazed over Elanor's shoulder to where Rose still sat, the campfire casting dense red shadows about her face and creeping into the cracks of the old stone tower behind her. "It's stupid."
"No it's not. Look, I'm writing one too."
Dear Uncle Fo,
Things here have come true just as you said they would, except that little Pippin came before Goldilocks. Sometimes I miss you terribly (though my memories of you are not extensive!) and I know Rose-mum and Sam-dad do sometimes too. We read out of the Red Book lots, Dad has been teaching all the children of the Shire about it!
Your Ellyelle.
Hamfast eagerly held out his small page when Sam gathered the letters together,
can I hav yor sord?
though a few of the older lads and lasses had done this enough times to be able to fold the pages themselves.
As the sun set and the stars rose, several tiny white paper boats bobbed away from the shore, borne up by the waves and drifting further out until they were indistinguishable from the gleaming white caps of foam. Still they stood on the shore and gazed out to where the sky met the horizon, straining their eyes to see as the darkness fell and the stars fell crisply on the water below.
"What did you write, Dad?" Elanor asked softly, sliding her arm into his as the younger children lost interest and started burying each other. Ruby shrieked something about mermaids and Bilbo started kicking sand into the water, tiny showers like shoals of fish.
"Never you mind, lass," Sam murmured, turning to Elanor at last and patting her hand; and it seemed to her as if the stars were caught in the creases that mapped the skin around his eyes as he smiled.