What's that?" Sammie asked, leaning over a subdued Meli who was busily scribbling away at something. She covered the paper easily with her apron and grinned.
"None of your concern, Crow," and laughed when he stuck out his tongue. "Is Molly coming yet?"
Sammie easily scaled the tree they were standing under and looked down the road. "She's a bit away, why?"
"No reason." Meli continued scribbling, finishing with a flourish just as they finally heard Molly and Daisy's voices. "There. Now, would you give that to her? Mum made me promise to come home early." She shoved the letter at a startled Sammie who took it by reflex, then watched in surprise as Meli ran off.
Daisy and Molly found him staring at nothing. Daisy waved a hand before his eyes. "Sammie?"
He blinked, and handed Molly the paper. "Meli said to give that to you. Then she left."
Molly took the letter gravely, unfolded it and began to read. Daisy craned her neck to see, but Molly had it at just the wrong angle. She smiled when she finished, refolded it, and tucked it away. "We going to go get some mushrooms?"
Halfway down the road, Sammie stopped and put a hand out to make Molly pause. "It's eating at me. What did it say?"
Molly laughed. "It was just a love letter. Don't worry about it."