A perfectly ordinary day is interuptted by the arrival of the postman with a letter. It's addressed to Frodo, who takes and opens it with a slight frown. Rosie gaped at the flowing words, her Elvish still sadly lacking. Frodo smiles and refolds the paper, grinning up at Rosie. "How do you feel about an outing tomorrow?"
Rose stirring her batter for a bit before answering. "Where?"
"Shire's bounds. Legolas and Gimli would like to meet Sam, Merry, and Pippin's families, and see me again."
Rose-lass looks up from the bread she's kneading and smiles at her mother. "Looks like we'll have to make lunch."
"Yes." Rosie strokes Frodo's cheek and grins. "You'd best go find the children so they can spread the word. Everyone should stay here tonight, yes?"
Frodo kisses her hand and stands. "Yes," he replies, and hurries out to find the four birds so word can be spread.