
"Whatcha doin'?" Del poked at Meli, who swatted her playfully, then went back to her stitching.

"I'm making a pillow. It's for Farry 'n his new wife. So they have something to prettify their hole. And they won't forget about me." Meli was sitting much stiller than normal, each stitch carefully placed. "I made it from some of our old, old clothes that Mum still had around. And an old doll's dress."

Del looked carefully at the pillow. "What's it's supposed to be?"

Meli smiled softly, mischief in her eyes. "Moonlight and an apple tree. It's a reminder of something silly we did when we were young."

Bored, Del looked away. "Can we go steal some cookies now? I think Elly's done."

Rolling her eyes, Meli set aside her work. "I suppose. But then I have to finish this. I can teach you how, if you want."

"What good is a needle and thread?" Del asked as she followed Meli towards the kitchen.

"You never know when you'll have to sew your brother's britches to a fence," Meli replied, and snuck into the pantry for cookies.


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