Sammie leaned his chin on his hand and sighed. Daisy looked up from her book and watched him. "I'm bored," he announced.
"And hungry."
"You're always hungry."
Sammie made a face at her. "So are you."
"True," Daisy said, laying aside her book. "Let's go steal some cookies."
"I don't want cookies."
"Not really."
"Or that, either."
Daisy threw up her hands. "What do you want, then?"
"Tarts. But mum hasn't made them in forever and ever."
"Guess that means my mum sent me over at just the right time," said Meli, her arms full of a basket and her mittens.
Sammie hugged her tight and snatched a tart. "I love you."
"You'd better," Meli grinned impishly, and handed a tart to Daisy, then made her way into the kitchen.