Having a real, live Elf, and a real, live Dwarf in Bag End made the curiosity seekers flock. Legolas and Gimli, safely within the house could hear the exicted chatter of the gathered mob. They exchanged glances as they perched carefully on chairs too small for them.
Another wave of sound came, and Legolas cocked his head, listening. Gimli watched him, used to his companions greater hearing. "What is it?"
The door burst open before the Elf could answer, and Merry and Pippin and their families tumbled inside. The four children immediately started shoving on the door, shutting out those who had rushed forward. Breathing heavily, one of the two girl began unwrapping her scarf. "Why are all of them here, Da?" she grumbled. "You'd think Auntie Rosie was giving out treacle tarts or something."
"Not quite, Miss Molly," Rosie replied as she swept back in. "Farry, Borry, can you go help Fro and Pip with some benches? We're trying to make better seats."
The two boys nodded and hurried off, and Rosie set cups of tea on the low table and smiled brightly at the newcomers. "Glad you got the message."
"Hard to miss it," Dinny replied, and patiently untangled Meli's scarf from her coat and hair. "Honestly, my girl, how do you tangle yourself so?"
Legolas stretched without standing and sipped at his tea. "We didn't mean to be any trouble, Mistress Rose. We can leave if it would be easier."
"Leave?" Rosie looked as if she thought the Elf sick. "You haven't eaten yet. Or seen Frodo and Sam, and you're not to leave until you do." Faced with her wrath, the visitors were forced to agree.
Gimli nudged Legolas as they watched the bustle around them. "You love it here, don't you?"
Legolas smiled and touched Gimli's hand. "As do you. Their unabashed joy is a pleasure to watch."
"It's better to be a part of," piped up a small voice. Meli blushed and hid behind Sammie when they looked at her, and Daisy laughed.
"Silly Took."
"Sillier Gardner." Meli stuck out her tongue and patted Sammie. "Not you, Crow. You can be a Baggins. They're not sill at all."
Molly poked Meli and dragged her out from behind Sammie. "That's not true. Remember when we got Uncle Frodo to play skip rope with us?"
All four giggled, and Sammie explained the story briefly. "Uncle Fo ended up all tangled in the rope. We had to get scissors to get him out."
"He made the best faces." Molly remarked, nodding.
Legolas laughed quietly. "It seems as though the Ringbearer has found peace."
"Peace?" Gimli asked, gesturing to the chaos. Meli had pulled Daisy's dress ribbon undone, and Daisy was trying her best to catch the other girl to thump her. Sammie was attempting to make Daisy stop long enough to tie her sash again, and Molly was busily blocking the Gardner girl long enough for her cousin to slip away.
Gimli chuckled. "Not peace, I think. But joy, and the sort of life one should have after such a burden."
Legolas nodded and laced his fingers in with Gimli's. "A hero's welcome, indeed."