Thump, thump, thump went the apples, right on Sammie's head. Biting his lip to keep from crying, he rubbed his head and glared balefully at the fallen fruit. "I'll never learn to juggle."
Frodo squeezed his shoulder and picked up one of the apples. "The way I learned it, you use scarves first. They fall more slowly, so you get used to catching them." He shined the apple on his shirt and inspected it.
"Really?" Sammie asked, eyes shining.
Frodo nodded and took a bite of the apple. "Really. You should ask your mum for help."
Sammie nodded eagerly and ran off to find Rosie. Frodo finished the apple and looked down at the other two. "Besides, nobody will steal your scarves and eat them," he remearked to himself, and picked up the other apples.