
Rosie stirred and opened her eyes, feeling the warm sun on her skin. Grass tickled her back and she shifted away, moved closer to the other on the blanket. Arwen smiled drowsily and drew her close, running one hand gently down Rosie's face.

The moment broke when giggles in the underbrush came closer. Four young Hobbits tumbled out into the clearing and bounced to join them, offering hugs with little care for the women's nudity. Arwen, graceful as always, returned the hugs firmly, brushing soft kisses across Hobbit foreheads.

Rosie hugged the four as well, and pulled on her dress, thankful when Arwen's slim fingers came to help her lace it back up. "And what are your fathers doing?" Rosie asked, mock-sternly looking at them.

Meli giggled. "The same thing you two are." The other three nodded, and Rosie rolled her eyes, standing to help Arwen with her laces.

"Not exactly, Meli-lass."

Molly nudged her. "Yes. Mum and Aunt Dinny are the ones who do the same thing."

Arwen laughed. "Is nothing secret from you?" she asked them, and four heads shook.

"Nothing," Sammie affirmed. Daisy nodded.

"In a close family, with all of us children, we know everything."

Rosie finished tying Arwen's dress back up, and the Elf knelt before her to kiss her gently. There was silence until they drew away, then the four children burst into applause.

"Go on, then," Rosie shooed them, and they did, shrieking and laughing. Arwen took Rosie's hand, while they watched them play.

"You've taught them of love," she said softly.

Rosie smiled up at her. "What more can any parent teach their children?"

A heavy step behind them, and Aragorn, King of Gondor sat down next to his wife and wrapped an arm around her. "Tolerance, Mistress Rose. Tolerance and love."


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