
A crispness in the air was matched by the crisp taste of apples. Del bit into one gleefully, chewing her bite happily. Meli laughed and swung upside down from her branch. "Don't eat them all, or we'll get no pie," she scolded, and Del swallowed most of her bite, then stuck out her tongue.

"There's more apples here than even all of us could eat," Del declared, and Meli laughed again, righting herself and returning to pulling apples off the tree and setting them gently in her basket.

"Not when we make apple pie and apple butter and apple jelly and apple crumble and-" Meli broke off, seeing the ravenous look on Del's face. "Don't worry, Del, you'll get to have some of all it."

Del took another bite of her apple. "Really?" she asked around her mouthful.

Meli nodded. "They always make more than enough. And everyone gets a share." She grinned impishly and reached down to tweak Del's nose. "You might even get to help make them."


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