
Meli wandered through Bag End wearing an enormous gray hat that was almost as tall as she was. Frodo laughed and called after her. "Meli-lass? Where did you get that?"

She turned and pushed the hat up out of her eyes. "Elly made it for me. And she's finishing my robe. Have you seen Molly?"

Frodo privately thought that Gandlaf the Gray, wise as he had been, had never been nearly as charming as the young lass currentally dressed as him. "She was looking for a staff. For you?" Meli nodded and the hat slid down over her eyes again. Sighing heavily, she shoved it back up again. Frodo hid his smile. "She went that way," and gestured. Meli nodded gravely, the hat falling down again, and walked off in the indicated direction.

When he was sure she couldn't hear him, Frodo let himself laugh. Sam came to the door to check on him, concerned that he might injure himself. "Frodo?"

"Sam," Frodo gasped, "Have you seen Meli the Gray yet?"

Sam shook his head, and went to look. He returned a few minutes later and joined Frodo. "You haven't seen Molly of Gondor yet, or Daisy of Mirkwood and Sammie the Dwarf."

Just the image was enough to set Frodo off again, and the two laughed until their sides hurt. Rosie peeked into the room and clicked her tongue, then went back to the kitchen, a smile on her face at the sound of their mirth.


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