Frantic knocking on the door, and Sammie hurries to open it. He gasps when he sees Meli standing there, her arms and dressed stained red with blood. "Aunt Rosie," Meli gasps, eyes awash with tears.
Rosie comes to the door and ushers Meli in, ordering Daisy to fetch her things. Elly comes out with warm water and they wash the worst of the blood away. "Molly?" Rosie asks, and Meli nods miserably.
"The baby," she says, then breaks down, covering her face with her hands. "I couldn't, I didn't know, and there was so much blood, so much..." her voice trailed off into sobs, and Sammie felt a chill. He was only too happy to be ordered out to fetch the cart.
The trip back to Meli, Molly and Pippin's new home is something of a nightmare, with Meli sobbing softly on Rosie's shoulder while his mother soothes his cousin. Sammie can't help but imagine all sorts of horrible things, and it's a relief to pull into the yard.
Pippin greets them at the door, as bloodstained as Meli and just as worried. "She's sleeping," he says quietly, and wraps his arms tightly around Meli.
Elly pulls back the blankets and Rosie takes charge. Hot water and fresh sheets and many other things are called for, and Sammie finds himself pressed into service helping. He doesn't like to admit how glad he is to leave the room: the sight of Molly, pale and wan, tears at his heart.
He makes tea, forces Meli and Pippin to sit and drink it, fixes a simple stew, and makes them eat. They sit very close together, not looking at the door, but he can tell that all their attention is focussed on it anyways.
Rosie and Elly emerge finally, and Meli spills her tea, she stands so quickly. Rosie takes one of her hands and one of Pippin's and squeezes them both. "She'll be fine. She just needs to rest." Meli sobs and Pippin holds her tightly, tears sliding down his face. Rosie lets them take soup and tea into Molly, and sit with her.
Sammie hugs his mother and squeezes his eyes shut. "That was scary," he whispers, and Rosie nods.
"Molly's young, and strong. She'll have another babe. But yes, being reminded that you little ones aren't immortal is frightening." She sips at her tea. "Did you make Meli eat something?"
He nods. "And Pippin too."
"Good. They both needed it, though Meli more. It won't be good for the babe if she forgets to take care of herself."
Sammie stares. "Meli...?"
Rosie pats his hand. "There'll be other children, I told you."
"I didn't expect it so soon," he says and studies his bowl. "She never said anything."
Elly laughs. "Why would she? Meli never likes to steal Molly's glory."
"What will people say?"
Meli storms out and throws a roll at Sammie's head, then flounces back into the bedroom and shuts the door. Elly and Rosie laugh merrily.
"Silly Sammie," Elly ruffles his hair. "You think they'll care?"
Sammie fishes the roll out of his soup and bites into it. "No, why would they start now?"