
The Sparrow and the Buzzard had found a kitten. It was a tiny thing, a bit of black fuzz with bright yellow eyes and a voice loud enough to wake all of Bagshot Row. Their pleading worked on the adults, however, and Soot joined the family of Bag End.

Meli had insisted that Soot stay with Del, despite the fact that she was obviously in love with the tiny cat herself. Hope hugged her after Del went to find Soot a bowl, and told her that she could come over whenever she liked and visit.

"I already do, Miss Hope," she replied, mischief in her eyes. "But I can be sure to make Borry come with me so that I don't get in any trouble on my way."

Hope blushed brightly and Meli, laughing, scooted off to help Del prepare Soot for his new home.


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