Del was happily holding Soot, petting him into a purring frenzy, when the door opened and Meli came in. She sank to her knees at Del's feet and nuzzled Soot. "Who's a pretty kitty? You are, yes you are."
Soot raised his head and touched him nose to Meli's. She laughed and looked up at Del, smiling broadly. "How has he been?"
Del lowered her eyes, trying not to show how jealous she was that Soot have given Meli a nose kiss but not her. "Good. He slept on my pillow last night."
"That's wonderful!" Meli exclaimed, standing and giving Del a hug. "Can I hold him a minute, do you think?"
Reluctantly, Del handed over the kitten. Meli took him and stroked him, whispering softly into his ear. She held him back out to Del, who took him with a feeling of relief. "I'll be back later. Mum just sent me to get a recipe, so I have to go home." She kissed the top of Soot's head, hugged Del again, and left.
Del stroked the cat, trying to find the same rhythm she'd used before. Soot stood and put his paws on her shoulders, and licked her cheek, then curled again into a ball. He purred contentedly and Del blinked back tears.