Meli tossed the book across the room. "I'm bored," she announced, and stole the pillow from behind Sammie. While he was sputtering, she whacked him firmly with it.
Molly snatched up a cushion and dove at Meli. The hitting was fast and furious, and in the confusion, Meli nearly stepped on Soot. Only Del's quick hands saved him, and she glared at the other two.
Placing Soot carefully out of the way, Del grabbed a pillow and went after Meli. The others grabs pillows and joined in.
No one could remember whose pillow had burst first, but there were feathers all over the floor, and Rosie glared at all of them. Picking up and resorting the pillows took much more time than the pillow fight had, but was equally as fun.