Rosie carefully wrapped Molly's hands and tied the bandages off. "Fire is hot, my girl."
Molly nodded and wiped at her eyes. "I know that, Aunt Rosie."
"All fires."
Molly nodded again.
"Even candles."
Molly's lower lip began to tremble, and Meli threw herself at the other girl and hugged her tight, glaring up at Rosie. "She didn't mean to."
Rosie stared Meli down, and the young Took dropped her eyes and scuffed her toe. "She didn't."
"I know that, Meli-lass. But you need to be careful. Fire hurts."
They both nodded and Rosie walked away, hearing part of their conversation. "See? I told you it would hurt."
"But it was so pretty. I just wanted to touch it."
Meli brushed Molly's hair away from her face and kissed her. "And?"
Molly grinned. "And fire burns. Pretty to look at, but bad to touch. Like thorns."
Taking Molly's bandaged hands in hers, Meli nodded. "Yes."