
"Mummy," Elanor tugged on Rosie's skirts. Rosie sighed and shifted baby Frodo to the other shoulder.

She pulled Elanor into her lap and hugged the little girl. "What is it, Elly-love?"

Elly's curls were tangled with bits of leaves in her hair, testifying to her travels in the garden. "Mummy, if I catch a rainbow, will you sew it onto my good dress?"

Rosie brushed away a smudge of dirt and kissed Elly's nose. "If you catch a rainbow, I'll embroider it and make you a lovely scarf, so you'll be the brightest thing in the winter time."

Elly clapped her hands in glee. "Then I better hurry," she said, and slid off Rosie's lap and back out the door.


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