Midwinter Feast, and Bag End is filled with light, laughter and song. Pippin Gardner looks around, his heart light in the face of so much joy.
A hand catches his sleeve and he turns to see Meli Took pointing up. He glances up, vaguely remembering bits of greenery. Sure enough, a sprig of mistletoe hangs there innocently, and he grins, looking back down. Warm lips are on his before he can react, and his eyes flutter closed.
When they draw apart, Pippin blinks at Molly's laughing face. "That's not fair," he says in her ear. "Where's Meli?"
Molly giggles and claps her hands. "Over there." Pippin kisses her again, then sneaks over and sweeps Meli into his arms.
"You don't get away that easy," he grins, and kisses her sweetly.