
Butterflies fluttered around Rosie's head. She tried to bat them away with her free hand as her right hand was preoccupied with the gun it clasped. From down in the tunnels, Rosie could hear Marigold screaming for help.

Somewhere in the dark, an old man cackled, 'Preciousssss! Precioussssss!"

Rosie tightened her grip on her gun. It was no wonder why Frodo had known so much about the serial killer. It was too bad no one else had realized that both Frodo and Bilbo had the same last name. And with an uncle like Bilbo, it was no wonder Frodo was insane.

And then there was that 'Precious' that Bilbo kept screaming about. Rosie knew exactly where Precious was; down the well in Marigold's arms. Why Bilbo thought the dog was with the escaped Frodo confused Rosie. However, there was no time for confusion in the basement. Rosie ejected her old clip and slid in a new one, just waiting patiently for Bilbo to make his move.

Suddenly the lights failed, plunging the mouldy basement into darkness.

Rosie uttered a very unladylike word and pressed her back to the wall. There was only one way for her to get out of here alive, and that would require Rosie to shoot Bilbo Baggins.


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