
Frodo Baggins stood on Platform nine and three-quarters. He adjusted his thick glasses and picked up his bags.

'Frodo, wait up!' Samwise Gamgee, Frodo's best friend, came running towards Frodo, his hand-me-down trunk in one hand and Gollum's cage in his other hand.

'Sam!' Frodo embraced his friend, 'I've missed you this summer.'

'I missed you too Frodo.' Sam squeezed Frodo and stepped back. 'And so did Rosie.'

'I can tell him that myself.' Rosie walked up beside Sam, gently chastising him. But though her words were meant to be sharp, her friendly tone dissolved any bitter tinge they contained. She smiled at Frodo and gave him a quick hug, 'It's good to see you again.'

'And it's good to see you.' Frodo smiled at his two best friends. 'After this summer, school is a welcome change.'

'Were the Sacksville-Baggins as horrible as ever?'

'Lotho's grown fat again so everyone was on a 'diet' because of him. It's almost like they want me to be hurgry." Frodo shook his head, hair flapping in every direction.

'You should think about getting this cut.' Rosie pushed Frodo's hair out of his face, her fingers brushing against the strange ring-shaped scar in his forehead before dropping away. 'You do nothing but fight with it all the time.'

'I rather like his hair the way it is.' Sam interjected.

'Thank you Sam.' Frodo smiled at Sam. Sam blushed, his red cheeks matching his red hair.

The train whistled and steam flooded the platform. 'That's enough lollygagging you two. We better hurry if we want to get on the train.' Rosie smiled at both boys and Frodo knew that this was going to be a great year.

'Last one on is a dirty orc!' Frodo cried as he rushed the train, Rosie and Sam running right behind him.


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