The sun shone brightly on the borders of the Shire and Sam was in an expansive mood as half of Hobbiton and the stately visiting court of Minas Tirith hung on his every word. "Here are the children that arrived since your last visit. There's four of 'em..." Sam exclaimed proudly.
"Four children in five years, Sam. And nine in all. You are blessed, indeed." King Aragorn laughed in awe and appreciation and his courtiers, great lords and ladies of Elves and Men, nodded in approval with him. "I have only three." He looked accusingly at Arwen, who looked down her nose at him, and the crowds of Halflings laughed.
Sam bowed and grinned. "This is Goldilocks. She's five." Sam held out his arms for his little blonde heartbreaker. Rose gave Goldy a nudge and she stepped forward, eyes wide, and timidly curtsied to the King and Queen of Gondor and Arnor as she was taught. Then she flew to her father.
Queen Arwen beamed. "Goldilocks. How appropriate. How lovely her golden hair is." Goldy blushed and hid her face in Sam's shoulder.
"This is Hamfast. Named for my Gaffer, y'know..." Ham cut straight from his mother to his father and clutched Sam's legs.
"Master Hamfast." Aragorn acknowledged, with a slight bow. Ham could only stare back.
"This is Daisy." Elanor stepped forward with little Daisy in her arms. Too young to be intimidated, she giggled and stretched her arms towards the pretty, pretty lady who was all dressed in glossy soft stuff and sparklies. Elanor set her down and she toddled directly to Arwen who was only too glad to receive her.
"She's an Elf, Daisy." Sam pointed out as Daisy lovingly patted the perfect cheeks of the Evenstar.
"Ef! Ef!" she exclaimed and snuggled in. Aragorn, Arwen and the Elves in their train were beyond charmed. Distracted by Daisy they missed the significant, and somewhat humorous, glance that passed between Sam, Rose and Frodo. Then Frodo bent and lovingly lifted a squirming bundle from a large basket at his feet. He stepped forward and Aragorn caught the sudden quiet that descended upon the gathered Hobbits. He wondered at it, at the way the crowd of little people strained forward to catch his reaction. He wondered at the protective look in Frodo's eyes, the strange, defiant quirk of Sam's mouth and the Mistress Rose's intent gaze.
Frodo smiled as he moved the blankets from the face of the baby. "This is Samwise." His voice was quiet but it carried clearly to the hushed crowd. Aragorn and Arwen leaned forward.
They looked.
They gasped.
Sammie blinked his huge eyes at them and waved a perfect little hand towards his sister still sitting comfortably on Arwen's lap.
He was smiling Frodo's smile. Aragorn stared at Sammie. His eyes traveled then to Frodo, to Sam...they lingered on Rose...and he stood. He approached Frodo and the crowd leaned forward. Some of the faces were worried. Some were smirkingly vindictive. Everyone held their breath. Aragorn stood before Frodo.
The King knelt and his eyes were on the ground as he placed his hand over his heart to honor the Ringbearer. "Frodo." he clearly said so all could hear. "The child is a reward beyond the riches of all the Kings. This goes beyond all my dreams for your happiness."
"Beyond my dreams, too." Frodo's eyes glistened and Aragorn could hear Sam sniff behind him. Aragorn held out his hands and Frodo immediately placed the baby into them. Sammie looked so small, so helpless in the Man's enormous hands. Aragorn turned and displayed the child to his court. The Elves burst so immediately into song that all the Hobbits jumped at the sudden unabashed beauty and joy of it. Arwen was weeping and her tears fell on Daisy's golden curls.
The Ringbearer had been blessed. Frodo of the Nine Fingers had his reward. Sammie was passed from hand to hand and the visitors celebrated far into the night as Sam, Frodo and especially Rose was honored with gifts and acclamations almost beyond reason.
This set the spiteful gossip-mongers of the Shire back quite a bit, you can imagine.