The Tastes of Dreams: Nine stories of imagination and desire
The Tastes of Dreams: Nine stories of imagination and desire

I’ve always used my real name for all of my writing in the past, and never felt the need for any kind of pseudonym. When you use your real name for your work, however, it can be difficult to separate your own self-worth from any negative comments thrown in your work’s direction, especially if your self-worth is on shaky ground to start with.

So over the past few months, as an experiment, I’ve been writing erotica under the name Isobel Dorian and publishing it to Amazon. It has been a fascinating experience with a very sharp learning curve.

Now, because of a bit of ill health, I have to take a break from the project for a little while, so I thought that meant it was as good a time as any to collect the first round of stories at put them up as a single book. Enjoy!

Buy The Tastes of Dreams: Nine stories of imagination and desire for $2.99