Around Again
By Dana


"Crow, get up."

Sammie grunted softly, more asleep than not, and wanting nothing more than to be left alone; but his slumber had been disturbed, by a whisper, nothing more, and the bed wasn't so comfortable, suddenly, and the covers were suddenly too cool. He rolled over, pulling the pillow over his head; that soft, insistent voice was still at his ear, and would not be deterred.

"Crow, I know you're awake. Get up."

Sammie groaned and opened one eye, slowly, and shifted so that his face wasn't pressed against his pillow; he found his sight filled with Del and her looming face, as she was leaning in very, very close. "See, I told you so," she said, smugly, with a whisper and a wicked grin. "Come on, now. I couldn't sleep."

Another grunt and a grumble and Sammie rolled over onto his side. "Leave me alone," he mumbled, though it came out sounding more like "lemmewone", as his face was pressed into the pillow.

"Come on, Crow, where is your sense of adventure?"

"It's still asleep."

Del laughed, a merry soft sound, but it was whisper soft and she forcibly dragged Sammie out from under the covers. He strugged (of course he did), and managed to elbow her in the side. Her breath escaped in an oomph and her lips pressed together into a long and tight grin.

"Well, now you're up."

He grumbled something and Del laughed, once more, merry and bright and very not like Del's laugh at all. "I don't think your mum'd be too pleased that you're using such language, Sammie my lad."

Sammie's look was sour as Del dragged him to his feet. He went, though (it was bothersome enough when Daisy did this, but at least she didn't bite or hit), and Del shoved his coat into his hand. "It's cold out, and we wouldn't want you catching a chill."

With a yawn, Sammie pulled the coat on, following after Del (who hadn't a coat on, he noticed, but he was half-asleep still and couldn't think to care) as they left the sleeping room. "What is this about, Del? I could be sleeping still and you should be sleeping and you know how grouchy you can get when you don't get a full night's rest and - " Sammie yawned " - I really would like to get back to sleep."

"Sleep is boring," Del chirped. "Come on, I promise you that it'll be fun."

"So tell me what it is, Buzzard," Sammie said. Del looked back, grinning, and shook her head.

"I'd rather not. You know how I am about my surprised, Crow."

And he did know, and they had made it to the front door without waking any of his sleeping siblings, or his Mum or his Dad or his Uncle; he didn't want to have to explain this late-night walk to him, especially when he didn't understand it himself.

But the door was opened and Del's hand (surprisingly warm) grasped his and pulled him out into the cool night. The air was sweet-smelling, late-blooming flowers opening their faces to the moon and the sky. It was dewy and the path was damp (he wondered if it had rained), and Del was walking with conviction down the path. The front gate squeaked as it opened, like it sometimes did, and Del walked out into the open road.

"So, I was thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing much."

"Del, tell me what this is about, or my Da will find an unpleasant surprise when he's weeding, one day, and we'll all have been wondering what happened to poor old Del, and then they'll find you buried in the kitchen garden. Spill it, Crow, or I'm going back in and I'm going back to sleep."

"You really do love me, Crow," Del laughed.

"Well, I could have buried you under the good roses. Don't tempt me, Miss Grubb."

Another laughed and Del put her arms around Sammie's shoulders, put her forehead against his shoulder. "Look up, you daft excuse for a hobbit, and tell me what you see."

He did - confused, and curious - but only saw the night sky, black and wide, the soft white light of the stars and the brighter white light of the moon. "I see the sky, you silly Buzzard."

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

"It isn't that bad."

That was an understatement, of course, and Del's hands were warm (still warm) at the back of his neck. He looked down, and Del had looked up, and her eyes were sparking bright and there was a soft smile on her lips.

"Is that why you brought me out here, Delphinium?"

"Mhmm," she replied, with her laughing smile and her laughing eyes.

"Sometimes, I just don't get you."

She pressed her head back against his shoulder (her hair was tickling his cheek), and he lifted his arms up so that he could return that hug. "I know," came her mumbled reply. "But that hasn't stopped me yet.


Pretty Good Year