Wasting Time
By dana-chan

Author's Notes: I really do like Pretty Good Year, and West of the Moon is a nice place to play. Here, have a drabble. It won't bite, just be insufferably cute.

Disclaimer: The characters of Lord of the Rings, the books, the movie(s), the characters, the world, none of them are mine though how I wish they were. The rights rightfully belong to the Tolkien Foundation, all puns aside. So it has been said, so it shall be.

Pairing: Merry/Pippin

Rating: PG

Warnings: slash, cutesy fluff

The sun was warm, the sky wide and blue. So wide and blue it wasn't hard at all to believe it went on forever, even for a sleepy hobbits whose ponies were tied not so far away, a sleepy hobbit who was set to meet with his family in Hobbiton. Yawning, Merry rubbed at his eyes, for the most part still asleep, for the most part having lost track of the time. "Pip?" He called, but there was no answer. "Pip, where are you?"

Merry fumbled, reaching out and trying to find the other. His hand came back and he clutched at fresh green grass. Groaning, Merry contemplated sitting up, but decided that it really wasn't that important. He closed his eyes, settling back to resume his nap.

Of course, as it was the way of things, Pippin decided at that moment to grace Merry with his presence. "Oof!" Merry coughed, almost sitting up, but finding that he couldn't. Pippin was sitting square on his chest.

"Merry," said Pippin, sighing and managing to look half his age, though he was a father twice over. "You're being rather boring. Get up and do something with me, you great oaf."

Merry was still gathering breath into his lungs, and at the scowl he shot Pippin didn't seem to deflate him one bit, nor get him to budge. With a sigh, Pippin reached out into the grass, plucking a long blade, and brought it back to wave in front of Merry's face.

"Where did I go wrong? You used to be such fun."

"Well," Merry replied, still scowling, "they say that married life does that to a hobbit."

"Nonsense," Pippin laughed, shaking his head. He tickled the blade of grass under Merry's nose, and Merry's face screwed up comically.

"Pip... Pip... stop that!" Merry gasped, and then he sneezed.

Laughing as Merry rubbed his nose, scowling again, Pippin tapped Merry's forehead with his index finger, smiling all the way. "Bless you."

Glaring, Merry finally decided that he'd had too much. Reaching down, he gripped Pippin's leg, and it was decidedly easy to flip him over. With a gasp, Pippin hit the ground, and Merry was then over him, the grass fallen from his hand.

"Now, this I like better." Merry grinned, leaned down and kissed Pippin firmly.

"M-mph." Pippin mumbled, and Merry withdrew with a sly look on his face.

"We have to be in Hobbiton this afternoon, so we'd better not get that wrapped up. What will Stel and Dinny think if we don't show up for dinner? And you know Rosie. She'll have to have Words with us."

"Pippin," Merry said in a serious tone, "if you know what's best for you, you'll worry about that then, and not now."

Pippin grinned. "I do so like it when you put it that way. I can't think of a better way I'd rather spend the afternoon." And Pippin kissed Merry, deeply, hands wandering and pressing his body to Merry's, who pressed his close in turn. It was after dark by the time they did reach Hobbiton, but it was worth it, as far as they saw.


Pretty Good Year | email Dana