Ruby sat in the pumpkin patch, running her chubby baby fingers over the large orange fruit. She traced over the dark charcoal marks on the pumpkin’s 'face' studying the ghastly face that wasn’t real yet.

"Hullo Ruby, what are you lookin’ at?" Sam settled down beside her, digging his toes into the cooling dirt. Overhead, the moonlight shone down on both of them, bathing the world in a silvery sort of lighting.

"Da. Punk-in. Punk-in!"

"You’re right, it is a pumpkin." He studied the face for a moment, "Frodo-lad did a good job on that face."

Ruby hugged the round fruit, patting its sides and listening to the thump-thump her palms caused. Sam ruffled her curly hair and waited silently. Other voices began to fill the quiet field as the whole of Hobbiton slowly made their way into the patch, dressed in their finest.

A soft hand fell on Sam’s shoulder and squeezed gently, "Sam. It’s time."

He sighed and stood up, giving Ruby one last pat on the head. She looked up at him, "Da?"

"Sorry Ruby. But... the Harvest. It needs new life." He smiled down sadly at her and stepped backwards. Ruby watched him move away with Frodo, joining the circle of Hobbits that surrounded her.

"Da?" She turned over onto her hands and knees, crawling in the dirt towards him. "Ma! D-" Her calling quickly ended as her legs were yanked out from underneath her and her face slammed into the dirt. Coughing and spitting mud out of her mouth, Ruby raised her head and wailed, "Daaa!!"

The pumpkin vines tightened around her ankles and slowly dragged her back towards the lone pumpkin, charcoal face beginning to deepen and glow with life. The circle of Hobbits looked on as the patch came to life, and Ruby began to scream.


Pretty Good Year