Read Pretty Good Year

West Of The Moon, a sequel to Pretty Good Year

Stories by guest authors

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Guide written by Mary prior to Van's wonderful drawing:

Elanor Gardner (25) - slightly built, tall and thin, lopsided smile with a small dimple. Adores wearing her mother's old rose-hued dancing dress with the flowers along the hem.

Frodo Gardner (23) - Brad Renfro. Heh. Seriously, Frodo-lad looks a lot like his father, with a slightly longer face and an ever-present grin. Probably in overalls and a workshirt.

Rose Gardner (21) - as pretty as Elanor, but in an utterly different way. Round, plump face, wide hips but small shoulders and hands. Hair in loose pigtails, dressed in a simple rust-red dress and a white apron.

Merry Gardner (19) - taller than his older brother by a few inches but still not quite up to Elanor's height. Heavily freckled and wearing green pants and an off-white shirt, doing the 'bunny-ears' (coney-ears?) behind Hamfast's head.

Pippin Gardner (17) - messiest of the lot, no question. Clothes are usually ripped or at least crumpled, the original colour faded to a uniform gray-brown, and his face smudged. Smiles with his eyes more than his mouth.

Goldilocks Gardner (15) - a very pretty hobbit and she knows it. Extremely curly hair and wide blue eyes. Likes dressing up in her good clothes frequently, a light green party dress in much the same style as Rosie's outfit at Bilbo's party.

Hamfast Gardner (14) - Slightly sullen, a head-down-hands-in-pockets type. Chubbiest of his brothers, brown pants and a striped green shirt.

Daisy Gardner (13) - Wears her hair pulled off her face, errant strands escaping during her daily adventures. Always has some sort of bruise or another somewhere, and the same wide eyes as Goldy. Likes to wear cream or patterned dresses.

Sam-lad Gardner (12) - feels the cold easily and wears a jacket to compensate, Frodo's old brown velvet one more often than not. Has the same eyes and mouth as Frodo, and dark hair. Smiles when Daisy's nearby.

Primrose Gardner (11) - looks a lot like her sister Rose but with a snubbed nose and freckles. Hair in plaits and dressed in a pinafore.

Bilbo Gardner (10) - wants to be exactly like his daddy when he grows up, so is more than likely holding a small spade or a watering can. Lightest hair of any of the boys, fair as Goldy or Daisy.

Ruby Gardner (8) - reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. Brandishing a wooden sword and wearing a sheet like a cape in order to play a ringwraith in a game with Robin.

Robin Gardner (6) - currently mostly obscured by a large dark green cloak and a big floppy hat with a feather stuck in it. Front tooth missing.

Tolman Gardner (4) - hiding behind Goldy's skirt to escape the scary game Robin and Ruby are playing. Dark brown hair, very chubby with baby fat and wearing a long shirt with no pants.