Knotted against the cold
A series of poems by Hyel
--Knotted Tight--
There she lies, warm and wrapped
in limbs all wound about her, trapped
in soft flesh - her cloak against the cold,
a method wise and good as it's old.
Rosie opens drowsy eyes and sees
a familiar face, softened as Stel sleeps,
and remembers eyes sharp and smart;
her wit and power, hiding a warm heart.
She ponders on the knots and binds
that tied them one to one; the kinds
of loves all wound around each other -
how they've come to love one another.
From her Sam to his Frodo, and from him
to cousins cherished, and there to skim
to beloved friends and wives, all kin
and friend and loved one; and then to skin
bared and touching, never again cold;
to shared moments stretching back
all the way to darkness underlying...
Their nests, their loves, all knotted tight
against the cold
against the cold.
And he dreams
of the hunters, who know him, so well
of the gaze that burns holes into his chest
shaped like rings
chains and stoppings
these night-bound things
and of the ones he dragged along
the ones he wanted safe
are the ones he'd dragged along.
He dreams of the sadness and age
in Pippin's eyes
he sees the mouth inside screaming
teeth and maw pulling in
what he'd rather contain within
let me be the sacrifice
And of kisses he dreams
and moonbeam heat, under the ground
in forgotten wombs, and of
strength inborn, multiplied by despair
love inborn, multiplied by the night
the long dark, expecting the light;
green earth growing the once-forsaken seed;
the chance to see where the day will lead;
the chance to watch those sad old eyes
and the merry beloved friend that lies
beneath those eyes
beyond all lies.
And he weeps with gratitude
because they all lived through
the sacrifice.
--The Red Book Condensed As a Limerick--
There are so many things that he's learned!
He's been gone while many seasons turned,
to summer from fall -
he's glad hobbits're small,
and there was a big enough bed when he returned.
--Dinny's Rock Ballad--
I can't hear you fa la laa
Don't tell me to I should be jealous
Don't tell me I should spaz
Just cuz there's two beds for each of us
Cuz there's a decided difference
Between cheating and sufferance
And I don't really suffer at all
Because his choices are not my call
I can't hear you, you go blah blah
All you want, I'm not listening
Don't think you can get me to snarl
When I see him and him kissing
Why do you think that I would mind?
We each have a lover, of our own kind.
I love my Estella, my dearest lifemate.
To my heart, my husband came late.
And there's a decided difference
Between cheating and sufferance
And I don't care what you tell me
Even if you are in the heart of me
My hated jealousy
"Mr. Pippin, sir" no more -
From his tongue the "sir" is washed
And lost
By the touch of mine.
Somewhere distinctions faded, gone
Lie hidden, forgotten; when the day is done
We are the ones who fought
The ones who saw what ought
To be forgotten.
"Pippin, dear," I hear
So near. I whisper "I am here."
--The Road Goes Homewards--
The road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it begun.
I'll let the road go where it will
And stay in by the windowsill.
I look out at the growing night,
My love lying by in candlelight -
Her belly high with brand new life,
Far from toil and from strife.
A calming hand is there always
To soothe my aching back; he says
I bear a child for the four of us,
Just as my dear lover does.
The fireplace glows golden now,
Here at the end of a day; and how
Little do all travellers know -
Homewards happy feet should go!
Pretty Good Year