Limerick cycle by Janette Le Fay (

There once was a hobbit named Sam
Whose wife made good raspberry jam.
He was proper and prim;
If someone questioned him
About Frodo he'd close like a clam.

For Frodo had cast his spell
Over Sam, and on Rosie as well.
He loved them together
And they, him, forever
But at first, nobody could tell.

Then one day a new baby came
Who added some spice to the game,
For the Hobbiton spies
Saw that Frodo's blue eyes
And the child's were exactly the same.

Well, soon the whole marketplace knew,
Tom and Marigold later than few,
And the rumours they spread
Turned many a head,
But the thing is - the rumours were true!

But the hobbits, they just couldn't see
How good things can come in a three.
But the three of them there,
They just didn't care;
Soon the Hobbits just let them all be.

There once was a hobbit named Sam
Whose wife made good raspberry jam.
He'd blow Frodo a kiss
(Although sometimes he'd miss)
As he rocked blue-eyed boy in his pram.

The Gardners live up at Bag End
And the kids never want for a friend.
They've two dads and a mam:
Rosie, Frodo and Sam,
What's not broken it's best not to mend.


Pretty Good Year