Author's Notes: I've sold my soul to Pretty Good Year. West of the Moon is more than a girl could ask for. Hobbit children are the best thing in the world--really, they are.
Disclaimer: The characters of Lord of the Rings, the books, the movie(s), the characters, the world, none of them are mine though how I wish they were. The rights rightfully belong to the Tolkien Foundation, all puns aside. So it has been said, so it shall be.
Rating: G
Sammie lies on his back, arms folded neatly under his head, eyes closed. The clouds pass by overhead but he's too far gone to see.
Meli shifts, an annoyed look on her face, unable to find a comfortable patch of grass.
Molly watches Meli from the corner of her eye, grins and reaches out when the time is right, pinching Meli's unprotected side.
Daisy rolls her eyes at Meli's sharp yelp, as the Took launches herself at the Brandybuck. Daisy's brother's nap is disturbed by the tumbling girls and Daisy can't help but laugh as he's dragged into the fray
Delphinium rolls her eyes, too. Meli and Molly change tactics, working in tandem instead. They have Sammie at their mercy, now, and sometimes, times like this, when the laughter seems to chew at her mind, Del just doesn't know why she stands their company.
Aster smiles, too, leaning forward to eye the squealing three. Daisy pushes at Molly's leg as she's almost hit in the head, and somehow manages to get sucked into the laughing pile somewhere along the line. Aster catches Del's eyes, smiles.
"Lucky that's not us, eh?" says Aster, and Del thinks a moment, then grins, putting on her Best Face.
"Yes, but you know what they say," Del replies, Aster's eyes going wide as she's pounced. Del never does say what they say, but Aster's too busy laughing to even care.