Guest story by Meli
Molly Brandybuck and Pippin Gardner were dancing together, their laughter blending with the festive music. Sammie Gardner smiled, then glanced around, looking for Molly's partner in crime.
Meli Took was sitting at one of the many tables, her chin propped on her hand and a smile tugging at her lips as she watched Molly and Pippin prance about. Reluctantly, Sammie made his excuses to his date for the evening, Aster, and moved over towards his childhood friend. Meli glanced over as he sat down and wrapped an arm around her. "You alright?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" she laughed, and turned to face him, her eyes bright and merry. "It's Bonfire Night, the music is toe-tapping, the dancing is lovely, and Molly and I are singing later. Are you alright?"
"Well- wait, what do you mean, am I alright?" Sammie's forehead wrinkled in confusion. Meli laughed again and leaned up to kiss his forehead.
"Silly Crow," she said playfully, and nodded over his shoulder. "You left Aster all by herself to come cheer me up, didn't you?"
Sammie blushed and looked over at Aster, who grinned and waved at him. Meli, deliberately misunderstanding, waved back, and stood suddenly, smiling down at Sammie. "I'm going to go ask Aster to dance, alright, Crow?" Before he could find his voice, Meli had slipped off, and began speaking to Aster. They both laughed, then Meli led her out into the circle and the two joined in the dance.
Sammie blinked and stared at them. Somehow he wasn't very surprised at Meli, but he hadn't expected Aster to go along with it. Uncle Frodo took Meli's place beside him, and clapped him on the shoulder. "Pretty girls, aren't they?"
"Yes, they are." Sammie hugged Frodo, and looked around for his parents. "Where are Mom and Dad?"
Uncle Frodo pointed into the ring, and Sammie saw Rose holding onto Sam's shoulders as they danced around with the others. He smiled, and stood. "Would you like to dance, too, Uncle Frodo?" Frodo laughed and took his hands, and they made their way into the whirling mass.
Almost at once, Meli and Aster swept by the them, and Sammie found himself dancing again with Aster while Meli and Uncle Frodo twirled away into the crowd. He smiled down at Aster and swung her around, enjoying the music and the night. Bonfire Night was his favorite holiday.
Finally, even the most energetic dancers were exhausted. Sammie helped Aster back to their seats, noticing that there were still a couple of dancers going strong: Meli and Molly were twirling together, their dresses of green and red making them stand out brightly in the thinning crowd. The musicians came to a stop, and the two girls reluctantly heeded the music, and ended their dance.
Daisy plopped onto the bench beside Sammie and started clapping loudly. She nudged him with her shoulder, and grinned, motioning towards Molly and Meli. "Sparrow and Lark have to sing now that they have everyone's attention, don't you agree?"
Aster nodded before Sammie could speak and cupped her hands over her mouth. "A song! A song!" The cry was quickly taken up by the other Gardners, Tooks, and Brandybucks, and Molly and Meli laughed and agreed. They spoke briefly with the musicians, then took their places.
The song began, and the other hobbits listened, tapping their feet and laughing.
An old man came courting me
Hey duram dum-dum day
An old man came courting me
Me being young
An old man came courting me
Fain would he marry me
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
He's got no falorum-falarim-falorum
He's got no faloum-falarim-high day
He's got no falorum;
He's lost his ding-dorum
Oh, maids when you're young never wed an old man.
Then when we went to Kirk
Hey duram dum-dum day
Then when we went to Kirk
Me being young
Then when we went to Kirk
I knew it wouldn't work
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
Then went we went to bed
Hey duram dum-dum day
Then went we went to bed
Me being young
Then went we went to bed
He lay as he were dead
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
So I threw my leg over him
Hey duram dum-dum day
So I threw my leg over him
Me being young
So I threw my leg over him
Damn nigh well smothered him
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
Then when he went to sleep
Hey duram dum-dum day
Then when he went to sleep
Me being young
Then when he went to sleep
Out of bed I did creep
Into the arms of a handsome young lass
Who's got her falorum-falarim-falorum
She's got her faloum-falarim-high day
She's got her falorum;
She's found my ding-dorum!
Oh, maids when you're young never wed an old man!
At the end, to the laughter of their families, and the shock of the rest of Hobbiton, Molly leaned over and kissed Meli firmly on the mouth. Sammie turned to Aster and did likewise, hearing Daisy crowing in his ear. Aster's eyes sparkled and her cheeks were flushed when they pulled apart. Meli and Molly were standing together proudly, laughing, their hands clasped together, and Pippin Gardner came forward and wrapped an arm around each girl. All around, Sammie could see hobbits talking excitedly together, and more and more of them shrugging and joining in on the cheering.
Another group got up to sing, and Meli, Molly and Pippin joined them at their table. Behind the singers, the bonfire leapt high into the night, and Sammie beamed at everyone. Aster laced her fingers with his and squeezed, and Meli laughed and lay her head on Molly's shoulder. The night grew later and later, and soon they were all yawning, and the dawn brightened in the East. The fire had burned down in embers, and Daisy nudged Sammie awake again.
"Are you planning to jump over the embers with Aster?" she questioned, and Meli lifted her head up and blinked, then nuzzled Molly. Sammie felt himself blush furiously, and Aster giggled, their gazes sliding shyly away. Molly was whispering to Pippin now, who looked over her head at Meli. The three of them stood, Pippin moving to stand in the middle, and linked arms, heading towards the glowing embers. Aster tugged him up and they followed, watching the three gather themselves and take hands.
They ran forward and leapt, holding tight to each other. Sammie realized he was holding his breath and forced himself to let it out. They landed easily on the other side, sliding at once into a hug, then Meli turned to look at him and Aster. Molly turned as well and gestured them forward, and the three moved out of the way.
Sammie looked deep into Aster's eyes and started to ask if she wanted to. Aster leaned forward and kissed him, then smiled as she pulled away and took his hand. They ran forward together and jumped, feeling the heat on their legs, then landed, and Sammie swept Aster up in his arms again and laughed. His family clustered around them and hugged them both tightly, and Sammie laughed and held Aster close. Through the crowd he glimpsed Meli and Molly kissing, then Pippin came up beside them, and they drew him in as well.
Elated, exhausted, and loved, Sammie stood with his arms around his betrothed, and watched the sun rise slowly on the remnants of Bonfire Night.
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