Guest story by Meli

"It isn't fair."

Rosie didn't look up from where she was icing the cupcakes.  Estella glanced up from kneading the bread dough, then looked back at her work.  Diamond finished peeling the potatoes she was working on, set it down, and looked over her shoulder at her daughter.  "What's not fair, Meli-lass?"

Meli moved over to the table and picked up a knife, beginning to chop the carrots left there.  She sighed, and put a little more force into cutting the vegtables than was strictly necessary.  "Molly's off with Pippin again."

"Now, now, my girl," Estella said, brushing by mother and daughter with a couple of pans of dough ready to bake, "you'll find a fine young man for yourself someday.  Sammy likes you very much."

Another sigh, and the three mothers exchanges amused looks.  From all the signs, Meli was in love.  "I love Sammy, Aunt Estella, but I'm not in love with him. Besides, he isn't interested in me like that.  He's been courting Lila Proudfoot's daughter Aster."

"Is he truly?"  Rosie laughed.  "And all this time I thought he was mooning over you!"

Meli smiled slightly and shook her head of brown curls, adding the chopped carrots to the stew on the hearth.  "No, he's been making me listen to the most appallingly rhymed poems in Aster's honor.  And asking me all sorts of questions about how to get her to notice him, and want he should say to impress you." She did laugh now, and her face lit up with the affection she had for her friend.  "You'd almost think he didn't have a whole pack of sisters of his own to ask!  It's all quite silly, if you ask me."

She began to chop the potatoes her mother was peeling, and Diamond took advantage of her closeness to swat Meli.  "Haven't you learned yet not to gossip, my lass?"  She clicked her tongue and grinned at her daughter.

Estella moved back over to the dough and began fashioning into loaves to rise.  "So, Meli-girl, you're in here helping us old gammers make the Bonfire Night's feast because Molly abandoned you?  Are you two ready to sing tonight?"

Meli's face fell and she nodded sadly, brightening a little bit again at the mention of the song.  "We're all set to sing, if she ever gets done flirting."  She sighed and looked down at her potatoes.  "She's probably going to make plans to meet him afterwards, too."  It was a murmur, half to herself, but the other three exchanges looks again.

Rosie looked away from her icing and watched Meli. "I would have thought you'd be happy for her, Meli. Or did you want Pippin-lad for yourself?"

"I want Molly for myself!"  Meli froze in shock, then blushed to the roots of her hair.  Rosie nodded, mostly to herself, and finished icing the last cupcake, not surprised in the least by Meli's outburst.  Diamon set down her knife and potato and glanced over at Estella, then moved to put her arms around her daughter.  Meli dropped her knife and turned into his mother's embrace.  "I didn't mean to blurt that out-"

Diamond held her tight, and kissed her forehead.  "Oh my lovey.  I thought you might."  Estella joined them and enfolded both of them in her arms.

"Meli-lass, you know Molly loves you."  Rosie moved quietly around, getting down four cups and pouring water into the tea kettle.  Meli had her face buried in Diamond's shoulder, and her voice was muffled as she spoke.

"Not like I love her."  Meli was crying, helpless to stop, and Diamond lifted her face and brushed away her tears.  Rosie filled the mugs with chamomile and mint tea and a touch of honey, then pulled out a chair at the table.  Estella and Diamond guided Meli over to it and sat her down, and Rosie pressed the mug into her hands.  Meli smiled waterly and took a sip of the brew, starting to get herself back under control.

Rose sat down across from her and lifted her own mug. "Don't cry, Meli.  People can love more than one other person at the same time.  And there it nothing thats says Molly doesn't love you the same way you love her.  Have you asked?"

Meli shook her head, and Diamond and Estella shared a smile, and wrapped their arms around each other.  Her eyes on her mother and aunt, Meli took another sip of tea and a deep breath.  "I couldn't ask her.  She's so happy that Pippin likes her.  It's all she ever talks about.  And she wants children someday, more than anything."  She stopped for a moment, fighting a fresh bout of crying.  "I can't give her children.  Pippin can.  I want-"  Her voice broke, and Estella and Diamond squeezed her shoulders.  She cleared her throat and went on.  "I want her to be happy, and I don't want her to think that I want her to choose between her dreams and me."

"Oh you silly goose, I'm sure she wouldn't think that!"  Estella tapped Meli's head gently, and wrapped her other arm tighter around Diamond.  "I mean, look at us.  I have all my children, and Merry, and Diamond as well.  It isn't necessarily a choice of one or the other."

Diamond squeezed Meli's shoulder, and smiled at her daughter.  "You really should talk to her, before you try to decide what Molly is thinking."

Rosie nodded when Meli looked at her.  "They're right.  You can't know what Molly wants or doesn't want unless you ask her.  She may love you and Pippin exactly the same way and not be sure how to tell you."

"I- I don't know what to say to her anymore."  Meli stared into her teacup.  "She goes on and on about how she can't wait for Pippin to kiss her and all I can think is how much I want to grab her and kiss her myself."

"Then why don't you, silly Took?"  Meli froze as Molly slipped into the kitchen and knelt beside her.

"Molly-" it was barely more than a breath, and the three mothers exchanged glances again.  Diamond touched each of the girls in turn and motioned to the hall.

"Elanor's old room isn't being used.  You two can talk there.  Now, shoo," and Molly flashed her a grateful smile, grabbed Meli's hand, and tugged her cousin out of the chair and down the hall.  The three cooks continued with their preparations, laughing quietly.

The door clicked shut down the hall, and inside, Molly gave Meli a gentle push towards the bed and leaned back against the wall.  Meli sat obediently, nervously smoothing her skirts, her gaze darting all around the room.  Molly crossed her arms and waited.

After a long moment, when Meli looked intently at everything in the room but her, Molly sighed loudly and pushed away from the wall.  She moved over and sat down on the bed near Meli, catching the other girl's arm as she tried to move away.  "Well?"

Meli blinked.  "Well?" she repeated.  "Well what?"

Another sigh, and Molly rolled her eyes, sliding her hand down Meli's arm to lace their fingers together. "Are you ever going to talk to me?  You talked to them."

Meli blushed and stared at their entwined hands.  "I- I didn't know how to talk to you.  And I couldn't stay quiet anymore.  I love you, Molly, and I want you to be happy, and if Pippin makes you happy then by all means, marry him and I'll be happy for both of you-"

Molly cut her off by lifting Meli's chin with her free hand and kissing her firmly on the mouth.  Meli made a little sound, and then relaxed, kissing Molly back desperately.  Her hands rose to cup Molly's face and Molly smiled into the kiss.  After a long moment, they parted, and Meli smiled brilliantly.

"And Pippin?"  She dropped a hand and curled her fingers through Molly's again.

Molly squeezed Meli's hand and smiled back.  "Let's just see how things are for now, alright?"

Meli leaned forward and kissed Molly again, then smiled again.  "All right.  But tonight, will you dance with me?"

Molly laughed and hugged her tight.  "Of course I will, Meli-love.  I wouldn't miss it for the world."


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