"What is it, Sammie?" she whispered, climbing up unto her brother's bed and putting her arm around his shoulders.
"I...don't feel so well," he replied, coughing. Daisy bit her lip. Sammie had come down with a long, nasty cough, but in the past few days he seemed to be doing better. She had taken up sleeping in his room to keep him company while he was bedridden and to comfort him at night, when he often awoke with nightmares. Daisy hated to see her brother sick so often, and she quietly and gently rubbed his back while he continued to cough, hugging him close until he stopped.
"Want me to get mum, dad, or Uncle Frodo?" she asked. Sammie shook his head adamantly.
"I'll be fine. I don't want them to worry about me, anyway," he said with characteristic stubborness. Daisy looked at him with question in her green eyes. Moonlight strained through the round window and hit Sammie's pale, freckled face, which looked thinner to Daisy than she could ever remember. She sighed.
"Fine," she said. "But if you wake up again I'm getting mum." "She'll just give some more of that nasty cough medicine. It tastes like rotten apples," he grumbled. Daisy just tweaked his ear. "I know, silly, but if you don't take it, you won't get better. And then we won't be able to go on adventures." Sammie pondered this for a minute.
"Alright." He gave her a tiny, sickly smile. "Daise, can I sleep with you for the rest of the night?"
"Just don't get me sick, silly duck." She smiled, as they snuggled into the blankets together. Daisy gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, and the two slept for the rest of night, peacefully.