Molly is an eager and intuitive lass, with a sharp mind and a thirst for knowledge. But she's not so much interested in books (much to the disgruntlement of her da) but of life and the people around her. She loves to figure out how people "tick", as it they think, act and react in situations, and how they feel. She loves to help people with their problems, and is a bit beyond her years in her wisdom. Her eagerness to help also makes her a bit nosy and a bit gossipy, and she has found herself in trouble quite a few times for "just trying to help". She doesn't always think before she speaks, a trait that improves, thankfully, as she grows up.
Though only older than Meli by a few months, she is the more mature of the two, but never in a snobbish or bullying way. She is just naturally the leader. Her relationship with Meli mirrors their father's relationship, with Molly being the more knowledgeable Brandybuck, and Meli the more innocent Took. Molly understands a great deal about her parent's relationship, and that of her da's relationship with uncle Pippin and mum's relationship with aunty Dinny. It's just a part of life for her, growing up around them and the Gardner family, and she sees no problems with any of it, as everyone is happy and loved.
As a tweenager, she's a smart lass in the ways of love- she knows why the birds don't go with the bees, despite the old saying, and she knows that a lass can lie with another lass, or a lad, as long as they are happy together. It's just something that's understood to her, and she doesn't question anyone's choice in partners. She finds that she has a talent for flirting, and as the only daughter and youngest child of her da, she likes to see his fur get rubbed the wrong way when the lads come to call. But she's a good girl, and her da is the most important man in her life.
She becomes sweet on Pippin-lad as she gets older, but Meli is her life-long companion and loves her like no other. She does want children someday; not quite the gaggle that the Gardner's have, though she loves them all; but wants to have her own babies and have a good life like her parents. And she sees no reason why Meli can't be a part of that...Molly is a bit idealistic in the thought that she can have Meli and Pippin both. She hasn't yet learned that there may be complications with this assumption.
Pretty Good Year | email Molly