Frodo cornered me at the train platform. It was my own fault, I suppose. I had failed to pay close enough attention to the crowd.
"Hello, Sam," he said, causally walking towards me. I retreated, which left me with my back against the station wall. This was a rather awkward position, as walls at one’s back are quite useful in a fight, but tend to make it difficult to duck away. "It’s no use trying to call for someone to catch me, you know. I’d rather enjoy keeping you quiet, but I don’t expect that it would do wonders for your reputation."
I looked at him appraisingly. I knew from past experience that he was a good deal stronger than he looked, but still... "You couldn’t kiss me for very long."
He laughed. "My dear Sam! Always straight to the point. No, I dare say I couldn’t, but I could certainly kiss you long enough to render you unconscious by other means." He smiled as I shifted my weight defensively. "I won’t though. I just wanted to say goodbye to you under more...pleasant circumstances than my last goodbye." He looked a trifle rueful. "I am a hopeless romantic, I’m afraid."
I glared at him. "The tomb. However did you manage..."
He blinked. "What? I admit one of my weaknesses and you... Ah, but that is like you. It wasn’t hard. No one paid much attention to the photographer. I...uh...did have to seek Sir Glorfindel’s assistance for the technical end of things. The shots I took on my own the first day did not turn out at all well."
I groaned. "So there is no photographic record after all?"
"No, no, there is a complete photographic record. Every item, every angle we could devise." He smiled at me, "I’ll publish it one day, even though I can’t now. After all, the disappearance of...ah...certain objects would be noted if I did."
I shook my head. "You never change."
"To the contrary, Sam. I have changed. A few years ago I wouldn’t have bothered with the record at all." He leaned closer to me, "I did it for you, Sam. It really is true that loving a good man and woman redeems a person."
He straightened and smirked. "Give all my love to Rosie. And a nice, long kiss. The thought will keep me warm as I travel in the cold."
My exasperation must have shown, because he burst out laughing. "Fare thee well, Sam, I am ever at your service should you need me."
With that he vanished neatly into the crowd. Most annoying.
I told Rosie all about it, of course. Honesty is very important in a marriage, and besides, I always tell the truth, unless there is a very good reason not to. She was annoyed, but not overly so. I seem to recall the term ‘melodramatic fool’ being used in reference to Frodo. I felt this was a very apt description, though in the interests of fairness to those not present to defend themselves I did not say so.