Merry and Pippin tumbled into the Rec room, laughing. Merry struck a dramatic pose and said, "Oh Sam! I love you dearly, but I know how much you love Rosie! I love her too, and yet- after all I have put you through how could I ever allow myself to come between you?"
Pippin snickered and said, "Oh Frodo! You are Frodo, aren’t you, Merry?" Merry nodded. "Oh Frodo! I wish I could be with you and Rosie both, but how could that ever be? Oh Frodo! Oh Rosie!"
"Oh Sam! Oh Frodo! I love you both, but how could we be together as long as we are who we are? The X-Men leaves no room for family!" Merry finished declaiming and glanced at Pippin. That did it. The two fell onto the coach in a fit of convulsive laughter.
"Why haven’t they just given up and kissed each other senseless by now?" Pippin asked idly.
"Angst." Merry said firmly. "Professor Gandalf has been slipping them injections of angst on the sly."
"Really? Why?"
"We’ve been keeping him up late nights and he doesn’t want to have to deal with another, disturbing his rest."
"Ah." Pippin nodded. "Want to go for Root Beer floats?"
"With Dinny and Stel?"
"Sounds good."
"Right. You know, I’ve still got Frodo’s car keys..."