by Sanguinary Red (sanguinary_515 @
Blood looked ever so pretty in the snow.
Goldilocks came to this conclusion while licking the blood off her paws. It had been a rather messy kill, but Brandybucks usually were. They fought back, right until the very last moment. Of course, it didn't matter in the end. She always finished them off. But when you ate a Brandybuck, you always had to clean your fur afterwards. Other werewolves may not care about having caked blood hanging off them, but Goldy couldn't stand the thought of letting anything dry on her lovely, golden fur.
But, as she cleaned, she thought about blood and how lovely it looked on the snow in winter, with just a depression in the middle where the remains of the kill were. That lovely red ring that was left for the lower animals to lick clean.
Blood on dirt was disgusting. It merely mixed in the soil and made a dark, thick paste. Mud. Ugh. Blood in water was exceptionally nice, but only if the water was moving. Otherwise, that pretty unfurling drop would spread out until it was gone and only red-tinted water was left. Running water with blood in it was fascinating, but ever so fleeting. By the time the kill was over, there was nothing left to prove it had been there in the first place besides some skin and bones.
But blood on snow... that was beautiful.
Goldie's ears twitched back as she heard a Hobbit stir in its sleep and call out to another. When there was no answer, it began to wake.
Goldie grinned, cleaning the last bit of gore from her face. Looks like she'll be getting seconds tonight. And from the sound of it, she'd have herself a Took. Goldie liked Tooks. They all tasted like ginger ham.
Goldie leaned back on her haunches and waited. In the moonlight, the bloody circle looked like a shadowed eye.
Pretty Good Year