Aster, Daisy, Del, Pip and Sammie had finally been released by the healers and the Gardners were celebrating their return. Daisy was telling her version of events to a large audience of her mum, dad, Uncle Frodo and all her brothers and sisters. Farry and Borry were there, too, visiting Goldy and Hope respectively and Daisy delighted in their attention. They were so tall and handsome. “When Pug and his friends came bounding towards us I was so HAPPY!” Daisy emphasized her point by raising her arms and jumping into the air. Everyone exclaimed in relief. The Six were saved! But the Mistress Rose suddenly laughed.
“Oh, dear, you’re growing up aren’t you?”
“Huh?” Daisy asked, wondering why that was relevant to her thrilling story.
“Jump again.” Rose said. Mystified, Daisy gave a hop. Elanor, Goldy and Rose-lass suddenly began to snicker. Hope covered her mouth. Rose turned to her husband, “Another teen in the house.” she informed him and he suddenly groaned in mock-horror.
“What?” Daisy asked. Half the gathering was suddenly highly amused by something and she looked from one person to another, smiling, and hoping for an explanation. Del was the only one not even remotely pleased and her eyes were brimming with uncharacteristic sympathy. Daisy looked at her questioningly but Del just shook her head. “What is it?” she asked her mother.
Rose pointed a finger at Daisy’s chest. “You’re getting just a little bit LARGE to be jumping and running around freely.” Daisy looked down at her breasts. Well, yes, they were bigger but…she suddenly realized that everyone else was looking, too. Uncle Frodo was looking. Farry and Borry were looking. Everyone. Everyone was looking. “You can borrow one of Del’s breast-bands until I make you a few of your own.” Rose decided. Daisy moved to cross her arms over her chest and just managed to stop herself. Everyone was giggling, pointing and shaking their heads. Farry and Borry were grinning. “Go on with your story, Daisy. The rescue is my favorite part.”
Daisy sat down and hunched over with her arms under the table. Her face wasn’t just burning, it was blazing. “I’m finished.”
“No, go on! Tell us about Pug…”
The Mistress Rose sighed. “Yes, another moody teen. I just don’t understand them.”