More Threats by Singe (singeaddams @
Elanor set Frodo’s tea down with a violent clatter and it sloshed into his saucer. "And THEN!" she continued, pulling open cabinets in an angry search for another cup. "Then...I can’t find anything in this kitchen...then Gammer Bunce asks me if there wasn’t someone ‘more suitable’ for the high and mighty likes of me." She found a small, purple vase in a drawer and decided to drink her tea out of it since the Gardner’s guest kitchen was so ill-equipped. Her family had been eating all their meals up in Brandy Hall so their larder was neglected. She poured carefully and brought it to the table. Frodo grinned at her and she was just able to smile back. "Don’t laugh, Uncle Frodo, it’s all I could find." She sipped her tea from her vase and began her tirade again. "It’s as if they think I’m some milksop debutante heiress who has nothing better to do than sew, go to socials and ‘toy with the hearts of my admirers.’"
"Ah, you cruel beauty, you." Frodo admonished. Elanor gave out an exasperated snort like the dainty lady she was and he laughed outright.
She poked him with her finger to regain his attention. "It’s as I’m a porcelain doll. Those Mighty Bunce Hunters all think I’m delicate and vapid and empty just because I don’t know how to skin an animal with my teeth or some such rot. Makes me angry! But that’s not the worst part." She slumped over the table.
"What’s the worst part? Having Buttercup Bunce fire off an arrow through your open window?"
Elanor laughed. "That was bad Turns out that arrow is perfect to hang my nightgown on." She quickly sobered again and drummed her fingers on the tabletop. "The worst part is Goodwill’s being hounded. And fighting! Did y’know he’s been fighting? D’you know some people have been threatening him?"
Frodo’s brow creased with concern and he briskly stirred his tea. "No, I didn’t know. How shameful." He cleared his throat.
Elanor sighed. "I wish people would leave us alone. He’s been nothing but sweet to me and I don’t think I’ve been too terrible to him."
"Maybe you should be terrible." Her uncle propped his head on his arm. "It would set many minds at ease. Just...let him go his way until things calm down and the Bunce’s and the Gardner’s get to know one another better." Elanor didn’t want to hear this. The Bunces didn’t want to know her better and they hadn’t exactly endeared themselves to her. And her own family had been treating Goodwill with a sort of horrified fascination ever since he asked her Dad openly, at the dinner table, no less, for permission to seriously court her not even a week after he met her. She sighed. "Honestly, Ellie, we’re only going to be in the Buckland another couple of weeks and the whole situation is driving your Uncle Merry to distraction. He’s being beset by bitter old birds. Is Pug really worth all this fuss?"
"Yes." Elanor answered immediately and Frodo winced. "Yes. I like Goodwill immensely. He’s intelligent and sweet and..."
"And brave and charming and funny and...please, not the list again." Frodo begged, holding up his hand.
Elanor laughed and leaned in close. "He’s just like you. Like you and Dad and Uncle Merry and Uncle Pippin." She smiled with admiration. "He’s not afraid of adventures. Quite a few strange things have happened to him in the Old Forest. He’s the best hunter in this land. He’s not staid and comfortable and dull. He saved Sammie’s life." Frodo looked down at the table and Elanor saw a shadow of remembered terror darken his face. She reached quickly to take his hand. "He’s good like you. And strong like you. I will say, however, that he’s not as handsome as you."
He gave a small laugh. "Who is?"
"No one!"
"Ah, now flattery...flattery will get you everywhere..." Frodo suddenly cocked his head and his smile slipped somewhat. "Here he comes."
"He’s coming up the walk. I can hear that great, slobbering beast of a hound of his."
"His name is Huan, Uncle Frodo. He’s a good dog!" Elanor jumped up and tore off her apron. She took her vase of tea off the table and hid it under the sink. She smoothed her hair. Frodo watched all this with a reserved sort of annoyance. A knock, almost a pounding, sounded at the door. "Come in!" Elanor’s voice was innocently neutral and Frodo rolled his eyes. Pug opened the door so hard it slammed into the inner wall and he stepped in with a single great stride.
"HELLO!" Pug exclaimed and Huan bounded into the room with an echoing bark, his stump of a tail wagging furiously, and ran for Elanor. She gave the huge dog a hug and noticed that Frodo was looking at them all with ill-concealed distaste and an air of defeat. She silently rejoiced. "Sorry about the door." Pug mumbled.
"Hello, Goodwill. Would you like some tea?" she asked. Frodo’s was the only cup they had and Elanor reached for it. Frodo smoothly pulled it away from her hand and took another swallow. She gave him the Stink Eye.
Goodwill shook his shaggy head and Elanor noticed with despair that his green eye had been freshly bruised. "Ah, no, thank you, Ellie, I’ve come to take you for a walk. It’s going to be a BEAUTIFUL sunset!" Goodwill was balanced lightly on his feet and addressed his invitation to Frodo as if he were expecting an attack. Frodo ignored him and drank some more tea. Heavens help them all should he ever finish his cup. Elanor gave a low growl that only Huan heard and he pricked up his ears at her. "Maybe we’ll elope!"
"Goodwill, don’t provoke people. Let’s go." She put a hand on his shoulder and ushered him outside. He was still looking over the top of her head towards Frodo and he looked terrified but stubbornly belligerent. "Uncle Frodo, I’ll be back."
"All right, then. Fine. Go. Don’t give a second thought to me. Or your Dad or your Mum." His voice quavered like an old, bitter Gaffer’s and Elanor laughed as she came back inside and kissed him.
Then she turned and followed Goodwill out the door and into the sunset.
Pretty Good Year