Meli squirmed and pulled, trying to get away from the brush. "Mama! my hair is fine! Maaa-maaa!" she whined, and Diamond ingored her, wrestling Meli's dark curls into some sembelance of order despite her protests.
"There," she said finally, and tied back Meli's hair with a red ribbon.
Sulkily, Meli peered at herself in the mirror. "My hair was fine," she grumbled.
Dinny coaxed her up off the bed and into the hall. "All full of brambles and dirt? How is that fine, my lass?"
Meli shrugged into her cloak and sighed loudly. "I wanted to go as a werewolf."
"You and Molly always go as witches, I thought."
Meli scuffed her foot. "I wanted a change. Molly's going as a werewolf."
"Well, you can be a vampire. Now off you go!"