"Rosie, dear, do you think you could -"
"No, I most certainly do not 'think I could'." Sam ducked his head to avoid the thwap of the teatowel. "It don't help him, you know that." her tone was soft but exasperated.
"It's just a bite to eat. I'll make it myself if you feel so strongly about it."
Rose rolled her eyes up towards the kitchen ceiling, holding her palm out to stop her husband's stride as he tried to step past her.
"Don't you snap at me, either, Sam, not when you know I'm right. I'm here carrying a baby halfway to birthing and I keep the rooms clean and the dishes washed. Mr Frodo was so insistent you and I eat at the big table, and I'm saying the same goes for him. No more breakfasts in bed."
"He's not strong in the morning -"
"And he never will be if you coddle him so."
"Keep your voice down, lass, he'll hear."
"Samwise Gamgee, if you take that tray into that bedroom I will put you over my knee like a faunt and jolt some sense into you that way!"
Sam's brow furrowed. "His journey tired him out, and no wonder. He needs to rest. You know that."
"Yes." Rose rubbed her hard little thumb against the worry lines tracing Sam's face. "But not forever, dear heart. Even the most bone-deep sleep ends with waking at some stage, and it's high time you roused him."
"Sounds like something an elf would say." Sam said with a small, wry smile.
"Wouldn't have been able to catch your eye if I didn't have a bit of that in me - oh, feel the kicking!" she pressed his palm against her belly. After a moment there was another flutter of movement and Sam's eyes widened in delight.
"I can feel it. So strong!"
"It's a boy, I'll wager." Rose smiled. "Wants his turn to kick and fight, can't wait to get out."
"A little longer, lad." Sam addressed the bump with a serious expression, shaking one finger as if scolding. "Grow big, don't come rushing out before we're ready for you."
"Everything all right?" Rose and Sam both looked up at the question, Frodo leaning against the doorframe, dark bruises under his wide eyes as if he hadn't slept in a week.
"Frodo, you shouldn't be up, I was going to bring your breakfast in." Sam ignored Rose's warning glare.
"I heard raised voices. Nothing wrong, I hope?"
"The babe's kicking, come feel." Rose beckoned him over. Frodo's hand was light and cool as it touched the soft fabric of Rose's dress. "Strong little fellow in there." Frodo smiled. "Sit down, Rosie, put your feet up. Sam and I can do anything that needs to be done today."
"No, Mr Frodo -" Sam protested as Frodo's hand covered his own.
"Don't worry about me, I'm not a child."
Rose raised one eyebrow in a clear 'I told you so' gesture, and with much aplomb sat herself down in the high-backed chair closest to the window.
"Well, if I'm to be waited on by the pair of you, you'd better bring my breakfast over on a tray, then." she grinned.