Note: email addresses for the writers of these stories can be found in the stories by author list.
Pre-1420 stories | Pretty Good Year (canon) | Pretty Good Year (inspired by) | Stories about the years soon after 1421 | Stories about the adult hobbits in later years | Stories about the Gardner children and their friends | Derivative of (and alternate-universe to) West |Character biographies |Delphinium's journeys |East of the Sun guest stories |Inspired by East of the Sun |Fairytales, poems, alternate-universe stories |Supernatural-themed alternate-universe stories |The weird, the wacky, the downright silly |Original 'smackdown' files
Pre-1420 stories:
What Happened Before by Mary and Hope
The little boy who lives down the lane by Mary
Blindfold by Singe
Want by Hope
Care by Meli
Raspberry by Meli
Mushy Apples by Meli
Dancing by Meli
Happily ever after by Meli
Sparkles by Nunki
Force of habit by Slipstream
Sweet and sticky by Slipstream
Where do babies come from by Mary
Curative by Mary
Go on, Sam by Mary
Head in the clouds by Mary
Hobbit of constant sorrow by Singe
Pretty Good Year (canon):
Favourite things by Meg.
No Ordinary Hobbit by Hope.
All by Hope.
Yellow by Hope.
Star flower by Meli.
Doorways by Slipstream.
Stars by Janette.
Pretty Good Year (inspired by):
Wedding night by Molly.
Bathtime by FrodoAtBagEnd.
Tell me by Lora.
Scrambled Eggs and strawberry jam by Lora.
Another year by FrodoAtBagEnd.
Trust me by Mary.
Changes by Janette Le Fay
Bath Time by Poppy Hilldweller
Bound by Singe
The 'Famous for its Weddings' series by Princess of Geekland (email her):
Famous for its Weddings 1: Eve of May
Famous for its Weddings 2: Star brightest
Famous for its Weddings 3: Circling thoughts
Famous for its Weddings 4: Morning all new
Famous for its Weddings 5: Frodo's wedding night
Famous for its Weddings 6: Mother, daughter
by the same author:
Gather Ye Roses
Gather Ye Roses part 2
Silk and Candlelight
Three for Breakfast
West of the Moon guest author stories:
Stories about the years during / soon after 1421:
Spring Cleaning by Hope
Buying time by FrodoAtBagEnd.
Bad Day by Meli
Blueberry lemonade by FrodoAtBagEnd
Watermelon by FrodoAtBagEnd
Coming Home by Hope
Apple by Meli
Rainbow by Meli
Now we are five by Mary
First snow by Molly
Black Hallowed by Janette
Sourire by Janette
Watching by Janette
Itty bitty Elanor by Nanni
Frog by Meli
Tired as death(also in german: Todmüde) by Cuthalion
Of Birthdays by Asta of Mirkwood
Stories about the adult hobbits in later years:
Ache by Hope
Summer Stars and Ladies Fair by Dana
Sunshine by Janette
Wasting Time by Dana
Hope by FrodoAtBagEnd
Home stretch by Hope
Marmalade by Hope
Butterfly by Hope
Dessert by Meli
Big Heart by Meli
Boy or girl? by Meli
Ink by Slipstream
Flint by Mary
Hungry by Slipstream
Pie by Janette Le Fay
Wildness by Nanni
Tuckborough Fair by Janette Le Fay
Precious Qualities by Hyel
Untitled by Hyel
Stories about the Gardner children and their friends:
Elanor the Brave by Singe.
Home again, home again by Hope.
Cradle will fall by Meli
Discoveries by Meli
Storytellers by Meli
Spies by Meli
Song and Dance by Meli
A Phase by Meli
On Three... by Singe
Bad days will end by Slipstream
Bedtime story by Hope
Wedding by Meli
Dig by Slipstream
Morgul Cooties by Singe
What matters by Dana-chan
Keeping House by Janette
Aster and Mad Baggins by Singe and Mary Borsellino
Lazy Daze by Dana
What's a Silmaril? by Floria
Broken bones by Hope
When you're older by Dana
Love letter by Meli
Cooks by Meli
Visitors by Meli
Sewing by Meli
Hunger by Meli
Visitors part 2 by Meli
Too many cooks by Meli
Someday by Meli
Juggling by Meli
Apple pie by Meli
Meli the Gray by Meli
Crown by Meli
Crystal by Meli
So much blood by Meli
Mud Castles by Meli
Kitten by Meli
Kitten 2 by Singe
Kitten 3 by Meli
Snowball war by Meli
Snowball war: redux by Singe
Pillow fight by Meli
So little by Meli
Helping by Meli
Ugly Step Sister by Meli
Burn by Meli
Midwinter by Meli
Not funny by Molly
Hot Rock by Singe
As Custard by Singe
Compelling Reading by Singe
Happy Birthday by Singe
Blessing by Singe
Worthy by Singe
Beat on the brat by Singe
Dozen by Slipstream
Pulling by Slipstream
Near grown by Slipstream
The call of mud by Slipstream
Nomadic by Mary
Stories by Dana
Criss-Cross by Dana
Delphinium's Birthday by Mary and Singe
dEEr DiRY by Hope
Threats by Singe
More Threats by Singe
Threats 3 by Singe
Right, Wrong by Dana
Ailment by Slipstream
Far from home by Meli
Birthday by Meli
Dancing by Nanni
Lily from Bindbole Wood by Singe
The Secret Diary of Goldy Gardner, Aged 10 and three-quarters by Janette Le Fay
Ink (sequel to Hot Rock) by Singe
The Very True Story Of An Elven High King In Love (Through The Eyes Of One Primrose Gardner) by Dana
Laughter by Dana
Between by Dana
Inevitable by Singe
Six by Singe (now revised)
Contention by Singe
Home Early by Singe
A light in the window (also in german: Ein Licht im Fenster ) by Cuthalion
Trick or treat by Meli
Cut scene from 'Six' number 1 by Singe
Cut scene from 'Six' number 2 by Singe
Cut scene from 'Six' number 3 by Singe
Wait for Spring by Nanni
Thaw by Singe
Aliums are out to get yooou by Sanguinary
A pumpkin large enough by Sanguinary
A Fairy Tale Romance, Of Sorts by Sanguinary
Midnight Comfort by Mel
A Blessing in Disguise by Singe
Sick Ruby by Asta of Mirkwood
Around Again by Dana
Icon drabbles by Dana
Golden Age by Hyel
Goldilocks the Brave by Rubynye
Two stories by Sanguinary
Au Natural by Singe
Wagons... EAST! by Singe
Untitled by Singe
Weather-wiseacre by Sanguinary
Derivative of (and alternate-universe to) West:
Freezing by FrodoAtBagEnd
Summer by FrodoAtBagEnd
Woman talk by Meli
Nothing secret by Meli
Fading by Slipstream
Character biographies:
Molly Brandybuck by Molly
Delphinium Grubb by Singe
Hope Grubb by Singe
Goodwill 'Pug' Bunce by Singe
'My Delphinium' by Singe
Delphinium's journeys:
Buzzard goes to Rhunland: Landing by Rook
Buzzard goes to Rhunland: To Market by Rook
Letters by Meli, Singe, and Molly
East of the Sun guest author stories:
East of the Sun:
Rain Dream by Meli
Ocean by Hope
Letters by Hope
Untitled by Mel
Icon drabbles by Dana
Question and answer by Dana
Inspired by:
Ghost by Hope
Fairytales, poems, alternate-universe stories:
They hear him on the sigh... by Janette
Limerick cycle by Janette Le Fay
Haikus by Floria
Limericks by Slipstream
Limerick by Hyel
Knotted against the cold, a poem cycle by Hyel
Winter by Nanni
La Belle Perian Sans Merci by Floria
Shell shock by Hope
White feather by Mary
Briar Rosie by Meli
Straw into gold by Meli
Wonderland by Slipstream
O My Brothers by Slipstream
A Hobbit Limerick by Mary
The rats and the piper by Mary
Shire Noir by Mary
Shore Leave by Slipstream
A bloom is born by Starred Meriadoc
The neon sign by Starred Meriadoc
Edwardian Egyptologist hobbit by Nanni
Scissors for hands by Slipstream (illustrated by Singe)
Supernatural-themed alternate-universe stories:
Fizzy by Meli
Into the Dark by Meli
Different by Meli
Scent by Meli
Bite by Meli
Gossip by Meli
Shining by Meli
Fear by Meli
Not dark and not stormy by Meli
Rabbit stew by Meli
Sick Rose by Singe
I was a tweenaged werewolf by Singe
Sharp by Singe
Teething by Slipstream
Bugger the daffies by Mary
Dirt of the grave by Mary
Little Silver Spoon by Mary
Kin by Sanguinary Red
Hurley burly by Sanguinary Red
Ever so by Sanguinary Red
Dig Deeper by Sanguinary Red
Vision by Singe
Friends by Singe
Wolf by Sanguinary Red
Treehouse of Horror by Mary
The Patch by Sanguinary
The weird, the wacky, the downright silly:
Merin (crossover with MESPT) by Meli
Trancendental! by Hope
PIRATES! by Mary Borsellino and Hope
Life lessons from pgy by Floria Tosca
Angelica's a bit of a babe by Hope
The Phantom by Meli
Labyrinth by Meli
Sleepy Hollow by Meli
Fellowship of nine by Meli
Hobbits in a wardrobe by Meli
Velvet Goldmine by Meli
Spider-Hobbit by Meli
Reign of fire by Meli
Something completely different by Meli
The nightmare before Christmas by Mely
The silence of the lambs by Sanguinary
Special Agent Rosie Cotton by Sanguinary
Platform 9 3/4 by Sanguinary
Play it again, Sam by Singe
Gone with the Wind by Singe
The much wackier alternative to 'Fading' by Slipstream
Opera ghost by Mary
The secret garden by Mary
Shallow Grave by Mary
Nerf-herder by Mary
X-hobbits by Nanni
Elanor Elanor Elanor! by Mary
Fight Club by Sanguinary Red
As complete sagas:
The Pretty Good Year smackdown war o' fic by Mary Borsellino, Hope, and Slipstream.
The Fic War Smackdown Of Doom 2 by Meli, Mary, Hope, Slipstream, Singe, Molly, and Sanguinary.